Blast Viewer
UPDATE: This version of the blast viewer is no longer maintained. The Blast Viewer is contained in the full Epos Framework. Please consider using the full framework to get the current version of the Blast Viewer. The Blast Viewer is located at the right side of the main toolbar. Note that with the full version you can also load your sequences and blast them directly against the NCBI, create your own Blast databases, and directly import hits.
To demonstrate the ability to create standalone applications on top of the epos framework, we implemented the epos blast viewer. You can import NCBI Blast results in XML format to view the hits. Currently the viewer is able to create the standard NCBI blast alignment output and export the results as CSV file. You can also directly download and save the sequences. In the standalone app, you can only save the downloaded sequences to a file (i.e. in fasta format). The same application will also be embedded as a tool in the next Epos release. This allows you to directly import the sequences into the epos database.
Feel free to play around and do not hesitate to contact us if you have trouble or if you are missing any features.
Here is a demo blast result that you can use to get started (try right click save as if it just displays the file in your browser).
The blastviewer is currently deployed as Java Webstart application. Unfortunatly we have to specify a memory limit on startup and we can not automatically determine how much memory is available on your machine. Please choose the appropriate version (from 1 to 4 Gigabyte of memory) below. Depending on your environment the tool might not start up. In this situation please choose a version with less memory.
[download id=”10″ format=”3″]
[download id=”11″ format=”3″]
[download id=”12″ format=”3″]
For the following two options you need a 64bit machine with a 64 bit Java plugin.
[download id=”13″ format=”3″]
[download id=”14″ format=”3″]