In this tutorial we will create two alignments and perform a multi-gene analysis using RaxML. To get things started lets fetch data from the NCBI. I randomly picked 5 Taxa from “A multigene phylogeny of the Dothideomycetes using four nuclear loci” for the SSU and LSU regions. Start Epos and go to File->New->Fetch from GenBank. […]
The Epos framework supports the direct integration of compute clusters based on the Sun Grid Engine. Integrating a remote cluster allows you to submit all jobs directly to the cluster and fetch results later. For this to work, you need SSH access to a remote machine that is part of the cluster. The machine must […]
This is a mini-tutorial based on an example from “Gene und Stammbaeume” by Volker Knoop and Kai Mueller. We will use Epos to create a Phylogeny of Marsupials based on the NAD5 Gene. The basic steps involved are: Collect initial data from the NCBI, search for homologue Sequences not covered by the initial search, find […]