The website of the German Conference on Bioinformatics 2012 has been moved from to The content will be made available permanently under the new URL.
Sebastian Böcker
Meet Sebastian at APRS in Salzburg
Sebastian will give a plenary talk at the Austrian Proteomic Research Symposium (September 22-24, 2014) in Salzburg. Title of the talk is “Elementary, my dear Watson: Fingerprint search in molecular structure databases”.
Meet Kai at the ASMS conference in Baltimore
Kai will give a talk at the Conference of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry in Baltimore, USA.
Tag der Forschung: Die Digitale Gesellschaft
Am Mittwoch 11. Juni 2014 von 14 bis 21 Uhr findet im Foyer der Carl-Zeiss-Straße 3 sowie den angrenzenden Hörsälen der diesjährige Tag der Forschung zum Thema “Die Digitale Gesellschaft” statt. Gezeigt werden unter anderem Elektrofahrzeuge, Quadrocopter, 3D-Drucker sowie Demos aus den Bereichen Computer Vision und Biodiversität. Die Bioinformatik wird dort ebenfalls vertreten sein. Mehr Informationen gibt es hier.
Meet Sebastian at Trends in Metabolomics in Frankfurt
Sebastian will give a talk at the Dechema meeting “Trends in Metabolomics” in Frankfurt, June 4-5, 2014. Title of the talk is “Searching PubChem with MS2 data: Teaming fragmentation trees and molecular fingerprint prediction”.
Meet Sebastian at Metabolomics 2014
Sebastian will give a talk at the Metabolomics 2014 meeting in Tsuruoka, Japan.
We co-author a paper at ISMB
Our joint paper with Huibin Shen and Juho Rousu (Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland), “Metabolite Identification through Multiple Kernel Learning on Fragmentation Trees”, will be presented by Huibin at the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2014) conference in Boston.
Studieninformationsseite für Schüler
Unter finden sich Informationen zum Studium der Bioinformatik in Jena. Alle Studieninteressierten mögen dort vorbei schauen!
Shonan seminar on exact algorithms for bioinformatics research
Sebastian is one of the organizers of the Shonan seminar “Towards the ground truth: Exact algorithms for bioinformatics research“. The seminar will take place in Tokyo, Japan from March 16th to March 20th. If you are interested in participating, please contact one of the organizers.
JCB workshop starts today
The Jena Centre for Bioinformatics Workshop “Bioinformatics meets Biodiversity” will be help Mon+Tue 23.-24.09.2013 in the Rosensäle in Jena. Most of our group will be there.
Meet Sebastian at GCB 2013
Sebastian will attend the German Conference in Bioinformatics in Göttingen, Germany. Meet him there on Sep 12, 2013.
Meet Sebastian at WABI 2013
Sebastian will attend the Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics in Sophia Antipolis, France. He will present two papers on “The generalized Robinson-Foulds metric” and “Faster mass decomposition”.
GCB 2012 is over
We hope that everybody enjoyed the show — we most certainly did! See you next year in Göttingen: 10. – 13. September 2013, see
GCB 2012 in Jena will start shortly!
Hope to see you all in Jena at the GCB 2012, September 19-22, 2012! The conference features six international invited speakers, about 20 regular and highlight presentations, almost 100 posters and already more than 200 registered attendees. So come and join us for a wonderful conference!
Meet us at ISMB 2012
Franziska, Kerstin, and Sebastian will attend the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2012) conference in Long Beach, California (July 15-17, 2012). Franziska will present a regular paper, Kerstin will present a poster, and Sebastian will present a highlight paper.
Highlights paper at ISMB 2012
We will present a highlights paper on “Identifying the unknowns by aligning fragmentation trees” (Anal. Chem., 2012, in press, doi:10.1021/ac300304u) at the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2012) conference in Long Beach, California. I already mentioned that we are thrilled…
We will present a paper at ISMB 2012
Meet Sebastian at RECOMB CP 2012
Sebastian will attend the RECOMB Satellite Conference on Computational Proteomics 2012 in San Diego, April 6-8, 2012.
Manja Marz will start her Juniorprofessorship at the FSU Jena shortly
Dr. Manja Marz (bisher Uni Marburg) tritt in Kürze ihre Juniorprofessur “Bioinformatik für Hochdurchsatzmethoden” (gefördert durch die Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung) an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena an. Wir freuen uns, sie in Jena begrüßen zu dürfen!