Call for Tutorials: SIRIUS and CSI:FingerID

During the Dagstuhl seminar on Computational Metabolomics a few days ago, there was a session on “bridging the gap” between methods developers and experimentalists, which resulted in a long list of what method developers should do to bridge the gap (develop GUIs, provide example data, manuals, tutorials, etc) but rather little that experimentalists can do.

Now, let us turn the tables: SIRIUS and CSI:FingerID come with a nice GUI, manual etc. But undoubtedly the best to explain how to use our software in practice, are you, the users! To this end, we ask you to send us any tutorial material you have (maybe, a video tutorial?) that may help fellow experimentalists to get acquainted to the software more quickly; you may also point out what the software cannot do, and how you deal with it; and so on.

Please leave a comment below with the link (I hope that works) or, even better, send us a link () that we can put on our soon-to-come training material web page!

ps. The first video tutorial is already out there: Louis-Felix Nothias-Scaglia (UCSD) has prepared this video tutorial on YouTube that explains how to combine Optimus (OpenMS), SIRIUS plus CSI:FingerID and GNPS. Many thx to him! The tutorial is potentially already outdated as development is progressing fast, but isn’t that nice?!


CASMI 2017 results are out

CASMI (Critical Assessment of Small Molecule Identification) 2017 results are finally out! Kai participated with SIRIUS/CSI:FingerID, and won categories 1 (Best Structure Identification on Natural Products), 2 (Best Automatic Structural Identification – In Silico Fragmentation Only), and 4 (Best Automatic Candidate Ranking). He did not participate in category 3.

For category 4 (in silico methods for searching in molecular structure databases), CSI:FingerID correctly identified 66 of 198 compounds (33.3%). This is more than 6-fold of what the best non-CSI:FingerID contestant reached. (Submissions containing “IOKR” in their name, correspond to different variants of the Input Output Kernel Regression version of CSI:FingerID.)

Unfortunately, CASMI 2017 data did not include isotope patterns. It appears that in many cases, SIRIUS was not able to find the correct molecular formula among the top candidate. This resulted in several cases where the correct structure was excluded due to the “wrong” molecular formula. We will investigate how many compounds would have been correctly identified if isotope pattern data would have been available.

Gastvorlesung Sebastian in Halle

Sebastian wird am Montag den 25.01.2016 zwei Vorlesungen zum Thema “Genome Rearrangements und Gene Clusters” an der Universität Halle halten.

Die Vorlesungen finden von 10:15 bis 12:00 Uhr in Seminarraum 1.30 sowie von 14:00 Uhr bis 15:15 Uhr in Seminarraum 0.04 des Institut für Informatik (Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, Halle) statt.

Interessierte sind herzlich eingeladen.

We have published a paper in PNAS

Our paper “Searching molecular structure databases with tandem mass spectra using CSI:FingerID” has just appeared in the online issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Also see the press release by the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (here for German). The metabolite search engine CSI:FingerID is available from This is joint work with Juho Rousu and his group at Aalto University (Finland).

Meet Sebastian at Metabolomics 2015

Sebastian will attend the Conference of the Metabolomics Society 2015 in San Franciso, and give a talk on “Searching molecular structure databases with tandem mass spectra using CSI:FingerID”. On Tuesday after 6 pm, Steffen Neumann and Sebastian will head the BoF meeting on Computational Mass Spectrometry.

Kinderuni am Freitag 19. Juni

Am Freitag 19. Juni 2015 wird Sebastian im Rahmen der KinderUni Jena einen Vortrag zum Thema “Auch Computer müssen aufräumen” halten. Start ist um 16:00 Uhr, Veranstaltungsort ist der Hörsaal 7 in der Carl Zeiss Straße 3 (neben der Mensa).